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Rain: Rate (Breakpoints)

The rain_rate table contains details of duration and amount of rain during times of constant rain rate i.e. indicates the "structure" of rainfall. (Data from the "Rain_Rate" table are also referred to as "breakpoints"). The datatype has no options.

The output date/time always includes seconds. If a date/time format is selected that does not include seconds, seconds are always included (for this datatype output only). (NB: beware Excel can hide the seconds (if it recognises a date format) until you specifically alter the date format of the column. Under "Format Cells" choose "Custom" and enter a value of "d/m/yy h:mm:ss").

If the time standard is "Local" (i.e. uses daylight saving or local time in the Pacific Is), then the time standard is forced to be "NZST". This prevents artifacts in the amount during daylight saving changes.

Note that rain rate (breakpoint) data can often significantly lag the hourly rain data available in the "rain" table. Breakpoint data is processed in batches using a sophisticated statistical cross-calibration process. Batches are generally of 20mm but also include other "rules" regarding how and when the rain fell. For example in some circumstances more than 40mm and several days data may be required before the breakpoint data is calibrated and available.

Field Descriptions

AMOUNT: The amount of rainfall for the given period (a breakpoint) in mm. A GAP will have a value of "-" (the missing data code) and the period will be the length of the gap. Note that long gaps (greater than one month) may not be calculated correctly due to complexities in the storage and processing of this data. (See the example below at time "9/6/99 9:00:00").

Values can be negative e.g. "-0.10". This is caused by a small amount of rain (less than 0.1mm for Origin="R") over an hour and the system cannot attribute this to a smaller time period. For older "Dynes" gauges (Origin="P" scanned from Pluviographs) this estimated value can be a large negative number. This may be caused by the pen ink smudging or missing but from the rain totals it is known that rain did occur sometime in the greater period but can't attributed exactly.

PERIOD: The period over which the amount is measured. The period changes as the rain rate changes. Rain within the period has fallen at a constant rate.

FREQUENCY: A single frequency "BPS" (Breakpoints).

ORIG_OBS_ORIGIN: Source of rain rate data
There are 4 sources:


Station Date(NZST) Amount(mm) Period(min) Freq Orig
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 4:44:06 1.29 0.1 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 5:17:06 3.58 33 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 5:17:12 1.26 0.1 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 5:36:18 0.73 19.1 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 6:02:48 0.51 26.5 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 6:46:42 1.81 43.9 BPS O
Reefton Ews 16/1/98 7:36:00 0 49.3 BPS O
Reefton Ews 1/2/98 8:00:00 - 23064 BPS O
Reefton Ews 9/6/99 9:00:00 - 11520 BPS R
Reefton Ews 10/6/99 1:34:00 0 994 BPS R
Reefton Ews 10/6/99 2:34:00 0.1 60 BPS R
Reefton Ews 12/6/99 4:24:42 0 2990.7 BPS R
Reefton Ews 12/6/99 4:30:30 0.09 5.8 BPS R
Reefton Ews 12/6/99 4:41:24 0 10.9 BPS R
Reefton Ews 12/6/99 4:53:48 0.23 12.4 BPS R
Reefton Ews 12/6/99 5:05:36 0 11.8 BPS R

See also: