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Rain: (Fixed Period) Details

Field Descriptions

FREQUENCY: Reporting frequency; "H" hourly, "S" synoptic or "D" daily.

ORIG_OBS_ORIGIN: Source of rainfall data
  1. D = Daily Climate
  2. S = Synop
  3. E = Environmental Data Recorder
  4. M = Metar
  5. H = Clitel Hourly
  6. O = Dynes Pluviograph (Digitised)
  7. P = Dynes Pluviograph (Scanned)
  8. Q = Hydra Drop-gauge
  9. R = Rain Intensity Gauge (RIG)
AMOUNT: precipitation measured in millimetres

PERIOD: (hours) length of time over which the measurement was taken.

RELIABILITY: "*" if estimated else NULL. WARNING: Synop rainfall may have "?".

STGD_STATE_OF_GRND: The state of ground as coded in the Daily Climatological Report (DLYCLI). See STGD_STATE_OF_GRND Codes

DEFICIT: Soil moisture deficit, where full is 0 mm and empty is 150 mm (AWC Available Water Capacity).

RUNOFF: Excess precipitation less the evaporation, when there is no soil moisture deficit (0 mm).

ORIG_WB_ORIGIN: Source of the Water Balance data ? see NOTES.

WB_RELIABILITY: If rain has "*", or Penman evapotranspiration is not calculated ?on site? ? see NOTES.


See also: