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Rain: Fixed Period

Definition: Record of the amount of precipitation within a given "fixed" period, and a daily estimate of the water balance.

This datatype has four choices corresponding to frequencies of "Daily" 0900 reading (metcode=181), "Hourly" (metcode=182), "Synoptic" (three hourly) (metcode=185) and "Hourly Rain_Table" (metcode=1820, see below).

There are two sources of rain data (i.e. rain gauges) at many NIWA EWS (Electronic Weather Station) sites. These are a standard tipping bucket gauge (normally an Ota 0.2mm/tip) and a RIG (Rain Intensity Gauge).

In the RIG gauge, the rain is passed through a tube to produce equi-sized drops and the drops are counted every 6 seconds. The RIG gauges are ideal for analysing the high temporal variability of rainfall. More information on the RIG gauge can be found at The Optimization and Calibration of a Rain Intensity Gauge in the "Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology" (published by the American Meteorological Society who hold the copyright). Note an AMS subscription may be required to view the document.


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