Sensor and Site History for Agent: 4843

Station Name is: Christchurch Aero
Network Number is: H32451

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Please note the following histories may not be complete, accurate or up to date.

Raingauge Type History

Start End Rain_g Code Description
01-Oct-1943 31-Jul-1994 1 Auto.Daily Raingauge
01-Jul-1996 06-Jul-2001 9 Hydra Drop Gauge
06-Jul-2001 - A Rig (Rain Intensity Gauge)

Anemometer History

Start End Height
01-Jan-1941 31-Dec-1962 12 D Dines Anemograph
01-Jan-1963 - 10 M Munro Anemometer Or Anemograph

Barometer History

Start End Height Baro Code Description

Cloud Height Method History

Start End Cloud Height Code Description

Radiometer History

Start End Radm Code Description
01-Jan-1960 30-Nov-1974 6 Eppley 10-J Bulb-Type - Global
30-Nov-1974 30-Sep-1978 5 Eppley 8-48a Bwp - Global
01-Oct-1978 - 0 Eppley Psp - Global
31-Dec-1984 - 3 Li-Cor Silicon Cell - Global

Temperature History

Start End Temp Code Description

Visibility Method History

Start End Vis_h Code Description

Synop Number History

Start End Synop No.
01-Oct-1943 - 93780

Site Change History

Site Change Date Description
01-Jan-1941 CODE 132 Anem installed BEFORE stn-openned/wind-data-began - any charts/rolls?
01-Jan-1942 STATS CODES 33, began BEFORE station opened on 19431001
17-Jul-1943 Reporting station established. Office on ground floor of airport terminal building. Dines PT anemometer recording began probably in 1943. Wind vane 60-70' above ground level. recorder in office on 1st floor of terminal building.
01-Aug-1943 Rainfall, and dry and wet bulb temperature observations commenced at site 60 yds S of old combined control tower and terminal building. These records ceased in September 1945 and recommenced at the same site in December 1945. Height of raingauge rim given as 99' amsl. Pressure observations commenced with a barometer in Met Office. Cistern height 116' amsl. These observations also ceased in September 1945, and recommenced in the new met Office in December 1945. Height of cistern 129' amsl.
01-Oct-1943 Station opened M35726461.
11-Oct-1945 Meteorological office closed. Rainfall and Dines anemometer records continued with flying control and aeradio staff doing readings.
01-Aug-1946 New meteorological office opened on 1st floor of terminal building.
01-Jan-1949 Sunshine observations commenced. Sunshine recorder on roof of old terminal building, near N end. During construction of new terminal building the sunshine recorder was at an unknown temporary site.
07-Jul-1953 New meteorological office opened following transfer of main reporting and forecast sections from Wigram to Harewood. New office in CAA building about 9 chains SE of ATC tower. Raingauge, screen and thermometers moved to new site, 250 yds SE of ATC tower, and 50 yds E of Met office then in use. Height of rim was given as 94' amsl. Maximum and minimum thermometers installed. (Site 2) Barometer cistern height in new office 102' amsl. Sunshine recorder on terminal roof, near S end. New Dines PT anemometer set up in alcove in NW corner of office. Vane head 40' above ground level.
01-Sep-1953 Radar ME7 soundings commenced.
01-May-1954 Radiosonde soundings at 72.2 mHz commenced following the closure of the programme at Hokitika.
04-Apr-1956 Raingauge, screen and thermometers moved to new site, 100 yds E of ATC tower. (Site 3) Height of rim given as 97' amsl.
01-Jan-1960 Solar radiation observations commenced. Eppley pyranometer was installed on the roof of the terminal building, adjacent to the sunshine recorder. A Brown recorder was installed in the forecast room.
01-Feb-1960 Barometer moved to new ofice. Cistern height 112' amsl.
01-Oct-1960 Raingauge, screen and thermometers moved to new site, 500 yds E of ATC tower and 80 yds N of traffic roundabout at entrance to airport. (Site 4) Height of rim given as 97.6' amsl. Surrounded by buildings and tarmac. Rainfall probably unaffected but minimum temperatures may be slightly higher than they would be in a more open exposure on the airfield.
01-Feb-1961 New meteorological office opened on 1st floor of new terminal buildings.
01-Nov-1961 Remote indicating wind vane and cup generator anemometer installed on mast, 33' high, at E edge of airfield, 27 chains SW from Met Office. Good exposure.
20-Mar-1964 Horizon profile drawn.
24-Nov-1964 Radar winds CR353 commenced.
18-May-1973 Horizon profile amended.
15-Nov-1974 Met Office moved to new quarters in extension to airport terminal building.
11-Mar-1975 Routine inspection. Photos taken.
24-May-1975 Climate enclosure moved to site 400 m S of Met Office. Site 5. Surrounding ground level and well drained. Exposure very good in all quarters.
30-Apr-1976 Last climate readings taken at site 4. An overlap of 10 months where readings were done at both sites 4 and 5.
04-Jun-1976 Routine inspection.
16-Nov-1976 Wind measurements from Munro anemometer near SE edge of airfield ceased. New Munro anemometer mast erected 262 T. 70 yds from the Variable Omni Range Beacon (VOR). Exposure very good in all quarters.
30-Dec-1976 Last dry and wet bulb temperatures taken at car park site. Manual raingauge and small screen had been used for synoptic reports. Site enclosed by buildings abd tar seal, and so temperatures likely to have been higher than in a more open exposure.
31-Dec-1976 Philips temperature and dew point remote indicators installed.
09-Mar-1977 Routine inspection.
21-Sep-1979 Radiosonde recordings at 403.1 mHz commenced.
20-Nov-1983 WF100 radar commenced.
23-Sep-1986 Routine inspection and overhaul of anemometer.
07-Oct-1986 Thermograph replaced.
26-Nov-1986 Barometer comparisons carried out. Satisfactory results.
31-Mar-1987 Radiosonde soundings ceased.
04-May-1987 Routine inspection. Annual calibration and maintenance of EDR. Airport staff have installed a new aerial since last inspection. It will shade the pyranometer briefly every day.
10-Jun-1987 Sunshine recorder resited 71 cm from previous site to avoid shading by masts.
31-Aug-1987 Radiosinde redings at 403.1 mHz ceased.
03-May-1988 Replacement grass minimum tehrmometer sent.
08-Aug-1988 Routine annual calibration of solar radiation ERD. Eppley PSP replaced.
01-Oct-1989 Darton barometer 3420 installed. Tubular electric light mounted behind scale. In direct sunlight at sunset, venetian blinds fitted to window to provide shade. Darton S3269 installed out of direct sunlight with good exposure.
05-Oct-1989 Routine annual calibration of EDR. Modified power supply, s/n26, installed. Replacement PSP installed. Printer dismantled and adjustments checked.
17-Jun-1993 Routine inspection.
09-Jul-1993 Routine inspection.
27-Jun-1994 Christchurch Airport AWS, M35718464, opened but its data are being archived under H32451/93780.
01-Aug-1994 M35727465 NE 300 m. Met Office closed but data from H32452/93781 are being archived under this number.
09-Jun-1995 Annual calibration and maintenance visit - wind speed and direction, humidity, barometer were all replaced, two vaisala sunshine recorders were installed for evaluation after re calibration.
13-Apr-1996 Annual calibration and maintanance visit, wind speed and direction, barometer, humidity, and all temperature all routinely replaced.
01-Jul-1996 Inspected, no problems.
13-Apr-1997 Annual calibration and maintenance visit, wind speed and direction, pressure, humidity, air temp, grass min temp, earth temps all routinely replaced.
28-Apr-1997 Raingauge replaced.
30-Jun-1997 Routine inspection.
28-Apr-1998 Annual calibration and maintenance visit, wind speed and direction, humidity, pressure and solar radiation all routinely replaced.
26-Jun-1998 Routine inspection.Smoke from a nearby high temperature incinerator hamper approaches in certain winter conditions.
22-Mar-1999 Annual maintenance and calibration visit, wind speed and direction, pressure, humidity all routinely replaced.
26-May-1999 Routine inspection.Incinerator smoke still creates problems.
22-Mar-2000 Annual maintenabce and calibration visit. Routinely replaced pressure, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, air and earth temps, solar radiation and rainfall.
16-Jun-2000 Routine inspection.
27-Mar-2001 Annual maintenance and calibration visit. Wind speed and direction, humidity, barometer and earth probe routinely exchanged.
30-May-2001 University of Canturbury accoustic sounder installed for 3 month trial.
06-Jun-2001 Routine inspection
23-Nov-2001 Replaced PC as commc error occuring between PC & modem.
05-Mar-2002 Cleaned Visibility sensor.
11-Apr-2002 Replaced heater blower,changed modem fuse, confirmed moden line lightning protection,reset sutron base year.
30-Apr-2002 Annual calibration. Routinely replaced wind speed and direction, humidity, pressure and solar radiation.
11-Jun-2002 Routine inspection.
14-Jun-2002 Replaced heat/blower due suspect blower. U23 chip on process brd replaced,offest cal done,noticed excessive noise on reeceiver-should be replaced.
26-Sep-2002 Upgrade 3C software. Fitted new eprom to CT12K.
16-Mar-2003 ACNZ traced fault to UPS & dbypassed it.
07-Apr-2003 UPS replaced. Software updated to V1.7.2.
08-May-2003 Annual calibration. Routinely replaced pressure, rainfall, humidity, wind speed, wind directiond, air temp and grass min. Temp screen replaced. Grs min probe and conduit replaced.
10-Jun-2003 Routine inspection.A few minor technical problems with the new MetCoder. No other problems.
17-Mar-2004 Installed GPRS to spare port 2. Updated Plus software. 1min data PC crashed - rebooted OK.
19-Apr-2004 Replaced suspect grass min probe.
01-Jun-2004 Routine public relations visit.No problems.
10-Jun-2004 Annual calibration. Routinely replaced grass min earth probe, solar radiation, pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction.
29-Jul-2004 Updated to 3artu_51.1.
24-Jan-2005 Replaced Harvest to upgrade software.
02-Feb-2005 Nil data from ceilomoter due circuit breaker trip. Reset OK.
11-Apr-2005 Clean alarms raised. Fortnightly clean done later this day.
24-Apr-2005 Nil data from Sutron due lightning strike in area. Restart SDL - OK.
26-Apr-2005 LDN fault. Changed Harvest to upgrade new software.
25-May-2005 Annual calibration. Routinely replaced pressure, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction.
06-Jul-2005 Routine inspection. High temperature incinerator has been removed (see 1998 report). Some problems in manual coding of specis has shown up recently, but seem to be resolved.
18-May-2006 Replaced pressure due to suspect cell failure imminent.
18-Jul-2006 Annual maintenance and calibration visit. Routinely replaced wind speed and direction, solar radiation, humidity, pressure, grass min, air temp and rainfall.
18-Dec-2006 Sunshine recorder exchanged.
08-May-2007 Annual maintenance and calibration visit. replaced grass minimum, 5cm, 10cm, pressure wind and temp/RH sensors.
21-Jun-2007 Routine inspection. All dislike new Sigmet numbering system. Multi layed programs on computer screens has lead to wrong icon being "clicked" with Metars not actually being transmitted.
18-May-2009 Routine inspection. No problems apart from a difference of up to 0.6hPa between controllers Vaisala readout and the AWS. New Control Tower due for occupation 16-10-2009.

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