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Logging In

To use this web site you must log in (see exceptions below for some auto-login contexts).

To login you must have a valid subscription. There are numerous links for logging in.

The login window is a small popup window. Enter your username and password in the text boxes.

The username is NoT case sensitive e.g. BLOggs=bloggs=BLOGGS.
The password IS CasE seNSitive e.g. password<>PASSWORD<>paSSwOrD. Passwords must be 6 - 16 alpha-numeric characters with no spaces.

On successful login an encrypted "UserID" cookie is sent to your browser. The UserID cookie will persist only for the session i.e. until you either logout or quit the browser. Future version of this software may restrict the login periods to 60 minutes before having to login again.

There are two auto users: "public" and "public_niwa". The "public" user has little or no access rights and exists mainly as a "place-holder" user. This user can only access data from the free station Reefton.

The "public_niwa" user is the default user on the NIWA intranet and is only available when using the internal access to this site CliFlo Internal NIWA Access.

Neither of these users can login manually.

There are numerous access restrictions on these public users. The user may see "N/A" in various places indicating no access to specific features.

See also: