Station Details for Agent: 4843

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Parameter stndet1 Indicator
Agent Number 4843
Network Number H32451
Name Christchurch Aero
Lat (dec deg, S of equator is neg) -43.493
Longitude (dec deg, E of Greenwich is pos e.g. NZ) 172.537
Position Precision G
Note: Position precision types are:
"W" = based on whole minutes, "T" = estimated to tenth minute,
"G" = derived from gridref, "E" = error cases derived from gridref,
"H" = based on GPS readings (NZGD49), "D" = by definition i.e. grid points.
Height above MSL in metres 37m
Grid Reference (NZ Metric Map Series) M35726461
Start Date 01-Oct-1943
End Date -
Closed Indicator (Closed = 1) 0
Stty Station Type A: Aws (Synop And Metar)
Synoptic Number (World Met. Organisation Number) 93780
WRA No 324501
Observing Authority N/A

Current Indicators

Note: the following indicators show the current status for open stations.
Closed stations may show no recorded parameters.

Parameter Indicator Parameter Indicator
Rain - Evaporation -
Surface Wind Dirn - Surface Wind Speed -
Max Gust Dirn - Max Gust Speed -
Solar Radiation - Sunshine Hours X
10cm Earth Temp - 20cm Earth Temp -
30cm Earth Temp - 100cm Earth Temp -
Dry Bulb Temp - Wet Bulb Temp -
Grass Min Temp - Weather Phenomonen -
Max Temp - Min Temp -
Visibility - Cloud Amount -
MSL Pressure -
Wind Run -
Time Offset (from UTC) 12 dayl_daylight_area 02

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